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The promise of digital investment made real. Working under the radar for the last three years, Colb has reimagined scalable, real-world asset tokenization. Making high-value investment opportunities easily accessible. All the while, offering native, non-custodial ownership.

Colb is committed to a future rooted in transparency and trust where every individual has equitable & seamless access to premium RWA investments on-chain.



  • Secured a $3m equity seed round


  • Tokenized share certificates of a BlackRock fund


  • Launched the first Swiss-compliant USD-backed stablecoin ($USC)


  • Pioneered tokenized wealth management strategies in collaboration with NS Partners
  • First tokenized pre-IPO share certificates of OpenAI in collaboration with Stableton
  • $COLB Token Generation Event scheduled for October
  • $10m pool of tokenized OpenAI share certificates available at launch
  • Multi-currency subscriptions to TKSPs including USD


  • Secondary market liquidity mechanism powered by a unique intent-based infrastructure
  • Addition of lending and borrowing functionalities to the Colb App


Yulgan Lira
Founder & CEO
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A lawyer with a master’s degree in Juridical Sciences (International Anticorruption), Yulgan is author of three law books. Cointelegraph identified him as one of the most influential names in the Brazilian blockchain ecosystem.

I discovered blockchain somewhat by accident.

The very first time that I heard about blockchain was actually at university over a decade ago. I was talking to a professor in his office, and there was this book on the table titled something like 'Blockchain in Business’. He took the book from the table, and said, ‘this is the next revolution of humanity’. From that moment, I was captivated.

I think blockchain is about freedom.

When I graduated from university, I had an opportunity to start as a Partner in a law firm working with blockchain companies in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Around the same time, and like so many other blockchain enthusiasts, I discovered the white paper of Bitcoin by Satoshi. Before even mentioning the technology, Satoshi had identified a use case in blockchain for banking, for finance, for society. For me, Blockchain harks back to the ideals of Athenian democracy. It’s about enabling everyone to participate and work together towards achieving common goals.

The financial system needs to evolve.

Around the globe, people are waking up to the myriad of problems within the current financial system, and blockchain technology offers solutions. Society, technology, and even nature are constantly evolving to become more efficient, so the acceleration of blockchain is almost inevitable. We are only in the infancy of adopting the technology and we have lots to do and build in the future, not only in terms of cryptocurrency but also in terms of using this technology wisely.

Caina is a very important part of my life.

Together, we are creating something very exciting. We are very proud of what we are delivering to the market, and we are very proud of the extraordinary community that has helped us along the way. Life moves very quickly, and I want to ensure that we’re making a difference. I’m really excited to bring Colb to the world; to show it to people, discuss it with people, make it better, and advance.

Caina Gasbarro
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With a strong international background in financial services, including business development within fintech and private banking sectors, Caina also brings extensive consultancy, marketing and sales experience to the team.

Colb’s story began in Brazil.

I moved to Sao Paulo at the end of 2016 and began working as a partner in an asset management firm at the beginning of 2017. I wasn’t really happy there, so I started looking for a more challenging and inclusive working environment. I ended up joining a cryptocurrency company.

Things finally started to look up when…

I met Yulgan during a Blockchain event. Since then, we’ve never left each other. We quickly decided to be, work and live together; and finally create a company on our terms. In 2020, we travelled to Switzerland to visit my family, and in a matter of weeks, Covid-19 changed everything. Shortly after the lockdown, the Swiss government introduced the new Distributed Ledger Technology law. We seized the opportunity to redirect Colb’s initial business model, permanently relocate and establish the company in Geneva.  

The goal of becoming a successful entrepreneur it’s to have the chance to give back.

I hope we will contribute positively to society and the environment as we grow. Currently, Colb is geared toward professional investors, mainly in Switzerland. As every person in every country deserves to have the chance to access investment opportunities, my goal is to extend our reach to all types of investors and markets.

I thrive on challenges and I’ve been driven to push myself further than I ever thought possible.

Recently, I have become a proud mother. My commitment to work remains as strong as ever, but as an entrepreneur, I have been able to adjust my hours and balance my responsibilities as a mother with my professional pursuits. I often describe Colb and my little boy as my two ‘babies’. Despite the many demands on my time, I have never been happier.

Jérôme Vasamillet
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As a UHNWI investment counsellor, Jérôme brings a wealth of expertise in FinTech, HealthTech and Wealth Management. His experience in digital transformation comes from working in FinTech and HealthTech startups, and running a startup accelerator.

There was a gap between incumbent players’ approach and where the world was heading.

I was often disappointed that traditional banking services were slow at adopting FinTech and portfolios omitted the arrival of digital assets. Thanks to blockchain technology, we can work efficiently outside legacy systems, in environments where the  mindset is “let’s try” instead of “that’s not relevant to us”, you can start afresh and boundlessly scale. Now we’re seeing a surge in adoption by institutions - this isn’t a form of competition, it’s validation of what we’re doing and a slow adaptation rather than innovation.

It’s great to be able to bring my startups’ experience and traditional finance together

It’s great to be able to bring my unique blend of startup experience where there’s a high sense of cost of opportunity on any decisions (a driver for focusing on what’s highest added-value) and both mindset & toolset are forward-looking, with the methodology  and processes of traditional financial services, notably for compliance and asset allocation.

I’m really eager to get back into the startup world, especially one that has already achieved great milestones and where I still have a massive opportunity to contribute.

If you set yourself the toughest constraints, you can build something that is truly scalable.

That means crafting meticulous processes and robust frameworks right from the inception, coupled with a willingness to confront and learn from setbacks, all within the framework of sound governance structures. This builds credibility that both clients and partners recognise and hold in high regard.

We're in startups, and we're young parents, as nuts as that may sound.

I love being a dad and draw a lot of positivity from family life. I recharge my intellectual battery through physical activity - triathlons, skiing, trailing and even a semi-ironman. I also support TechBikers, a UK-based organisation that aims to enhance children's education through fundraising efforts by a group of tech founder & investor cyclists. If you can, I believe it’s important to dedicate both time and resources to uplift others, with no expectation of a financial reward for oneself.

Matthieu Castella
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Matthieu’s considerable expertise covers accounting, financial management and business consulting in Switzerland. He has held a number of director roles, overseeing the administrative and financial operations.

My relationship with Colb is very collaborative.

My relationship with Colb is interesting because I get to answer lots of questions for them. Whatever the problem, we always resolve it together. Colb is truly visionary and I’m excited to work with them as they continue to grow.

Blockchain presents challenges and opportunities.

I have extensive experience in traditional finance, but made the pivot into FinTech two years ago. I think the biggest challenge is to make accounting work with the specifics of the blockchain and cryptocurrency as the regulatory environment develops. It’s all very new, but it’s heading in an exciting direction.

I’m very active outside of work.

During the winters, I like to venture off the beaten track and ski. It really helps me to switch off. In the summer, I love exploring France and Switzerland on my mountain bike.

Stanislav Trenev
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A Web3 software professional with a decade of expertise in smart contract development, DeFi, blockchain technology and entrepreneurship, Stanislav has served as a consultant, advisor and team leader for clients ranging from Fortune 500 enterprises to startups and DAOs.

Stanislav specializes in smart contract development and am particularly passionate about building successful products in the DeFi space.

Jordan Temongbom
Compliance Officer
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A seasoned specialist in legal compliance, Jordan’s experience covers leading Anti-Money Laundering (AML) regulations as Compliance Officer, and client account reviews. Having considerable insight into DeFi, blockchain and banking regulations, Jordan blends legal acumen with natural leadership.
Ricardo Rozgrin
Distribution Officer
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A seasoned software developer and entrepreneur with over 18 years of experience, Ricardo has a strong background in software development and business ownership. Since co-founding a prominent cryptocurrency exchange in Brazil, he has been instrumental in advancing the cryptocurrency and blockchain market in the country.
Yure Lira
Onboarding Officer
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Through practical experience, Yure has become proficient in navigating regulatory frameworks and valuable assets. Yure's blend of interpersonal finesse and legal background positions him as an ideal candidate to handle complex procedures and onboarding challenges.

Our platform is inclusive and user-friendly.

I am an investor in decentralised finance, but I've been frustrated by the lack of attention that is paid to the user experience - it’s not friendly to people who lack a prior understanding of Blockchain technology. At Colb, we’re dedicating lots of resources to developing our user interface. I really want to empower anyone to participate in the Blockchain revolution, irrespective of their background.

We’re optimistic about regulation.

We’ve always known that regulation will be a challenge to blockchain companies, but we welcome steps to improve security and protect users. It’s exciting to see Switzerland leading the way, closely followed by the UK and US. Overall, regulation will be good for financial markets and good for blockchain.

When I’m not working, I settle down with a good book.

Alongside classical literature, I’ve developed a real interest in psychoanalysis and love reading around this topic. It gives you a unique insight into society and relationships.

James Atkins
Creative Officer
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An artist and multi-disciplinary designer with 35+ years experience, James’ pantheon of international clients include large corporates, Financial Exchanges, crypto startups, SMEs and new brands.
Anatoliy Uspensky
Lead Developer
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Anatoliy began his career in technical communication, focusing on software documentation, largely for knowledge sharing, medical and DevOps applications. Transitioning five years ago to front-end software development, he has held roles as a Full Stack Developer and WebUI Developer, with strong capabilities in Node.js and full-stack development.

Colb is bursting with passion.

When I first visited Geneva and heard Yulgan outline his vision for Colb, it reminded me of Steve Jobs announcing the first iPhone in 2007. They both had that same fire in their eye and it was infectious. When you see someone so fired up, you can’t help but push yourself further to support them in any way you can. 

I’m motivated by a great idea. 

As I’ve matured as a developer, I’ve definitely got a clearer sense of my purpose. It’s important for me to know that the projects I contribute to are innovative, impactful and will have useful applications. I can work with pretty much any technology or framework. In my mind, they’re just the tools you need to bring an incredible idea to life.

Blockchain is mindset altering.

It stands in stark contrast to earlier web technologies, where so much was private and secretive. Working with blockchain technology, everything is open, everything is transparent and people trust each other. As a developer, I’m excited to experiment with new application programming interfaces (APIs). For me, it’s like unlocking another way of communicating with the world.

I found my tribe through fitness. 

Until recently, I was taking part in Ironman triathlons, and performing pretty well. Then I got injured and I’ve been unable to train. In spite of everything, I made some amazing friends along the way and now I’m trying to support them in any way I can. We’re a community!

Andrii Pasternak
Dev. Project Manager
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With educational backgrounds in petroleum geology, public administration and design, Andrii’s broad range of professional experience spans project management, team leadership, sales management, UX/UI design, and even video editing.
Marco Castagnuozzo
DevOps Engineer
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A seasoned DevOps Engineer with almost 10 years of expertise in JavaScript development and infrastructure management, Marco understands what it takes to deliver innovative Web3 solutions. He spearheaded the design and deployment of automation projects, optimizing compliance workflows and integrating smart contracts with APIs like Sumsub and Chainalysis.

Passionate pioneer in IT evolution

I began my journey in the world of IT a decade ago, starting from the ground up in HelpDesk support. As a student, I transitioned into the dynamic realm of Web Development, eventually finding my footing in the intricate domains of DevOps and Cybersecurity within the financial sector. My career reflects a relentless pursuit of knowledge and a deep understanding of business processes.

Trust-ventric vision in Blockchain

My enthusiasm for blockchain and smart contracts led me to explore their potential in revolutionizing educational systems. Recognizing a reluctance to shift the balance of power, my thesis underscored the gap between potential and adoption. I firmly believe in the transformative power of blockchain to create trustworthy IT systems, reducing reliance on intermediaries and amplifying transparency.

Colb: nurturing trust in user-centric technology

In my view, Colb stands as a beacon in aligning with the trajectory of emerging businesses. It's a place where trust-based relationships with users take center stage, empowering them in an environment that bridges the traditional and the innovative seamlessly.

I find solace in the world of music

Outside the realm of IT, I find solace in the world of music. A pianist for a decade, I immerse myself in the intricate melodies of Jazz, forever intrigued by the art of improvisation. In the realm of fitness, I've adopted CrossFit and powerlifting, not merely as passions but as avenues for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Olena Abakumenko
Front-end Developer
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Olena brings a wealth of international, front-end development experience to the team. Her proficiency in core technologies like JavaScript and React.js ensures our ability to deliver a polished and user-friendly product.
Oleksandr Vialyi
Back-end Developer
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An internationally experienced back-end and software engineer with a strong background in JavaScript development, Oleksandr brings a powerful full-stack skill set to the team from back-end and front-end development to a well-rounded skill set in software engineering.
Vladyslav Krichenko
Senior UX Designer
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With over a decade of experience in UX/UI design, Vladyslav excels at crafting user-centered experiences, creating intuitive and engaging interfaces for both web and mobile. In a previous life, he redesigned digital products as a Product Designer and worked in IT recruitment.


Martin Palazov
Strategic Advisor
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With years of expertise in blockchain technology, tokenization and sustainable finance, Martin has successfully led business growth in the crypto/blockchain sector, navigating the intersection of tokenization, sustainable finance, and carbon credits. As an entrepreneur, he has developed cutting-edge NFT analytics and pricing algorithms.
Thiago de Castro Neves
Ecosystem Advisor
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An experienced entrepreneur, Thiago's career spans business development, innovation and engineering. Since 2009, the strategic initiatives he has led have achieved impressive community engagement, growth and organizational change. A disciplined yet versatile leader, Thiago is at his best in dynamic environments, driving innovation and acceleration.